
The transparent smart contract based reputation system.

First please read the extensive documentation. Comment on reddit and create a pull request on github.

This was created during the Ether.Camp hackathon.

You can use the below to try out a few things.

Make sure to run this inside Mist or have a local RPC node available at http://localhost:8545.

Ethereum RPC node configuration

Use the node if you don't have any other. It is read-only and you cannot register with it.

Lookup a user ID based on Ethereum address

Get score of a user, by user ID

Calculate new score of a user, by user ID

Register a new account

Make sure you have unlocked (in Mist or RPC) the account you want to register with.

Verify Twitter account

Please tweet your user ID first. You can include anything in the tweet as long as it is present.