Iudex ===== Iudex is a smart contract based reputation system. As a user, you are able to verify the ownership of accounts of different services (such as your Twitter, Facebook and Github account) as well as link one or more Ethereum addresses. In the future it will also support verifying ownership of Bitcoin addresses via ``ecverify`` and verifying ownership of domain names via DNS records. Iudex also includes a scoring system for each of these accounts, calculating how reputable you are on each of them. Additionally it provides a combined score across all your linked accounts. Both the list of verified accounts and the scores can be queried by the public and used in various way. The verification and scoring processes/algorithms are elected based on voting by the public. Therefore new ways to calculate reputation can replace current ones, if the public deems them more appropriate or accurate. Live contracts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The version tagged as ``hackethercamp`` has the lookup address of ``0x1801f6139ce165a121e403641f2f7809c7ffa8a8``. A live example frontend interfacing with the API is `available here `__. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure to check the frontend, within Mist too! Verification process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before verification can proceed, a user has to create a new Iudex account, which at a start will not have anything linked, apart of the Ethereum address used to register. The verification process is unique to each of the services, but usually it follows these steps: - the registered user of Iudex receives a unique code to publish (his ID) - the user publishes this code on the given services (e.g. posts a tweet with it) - this proof location (e.g. the url of the exact tweet) is then submitted to Iudex along with the username - Iudex will connect to this URL via `Oraclize.it `__ and will verify if the code matches (it is of course possible to have verifiers without using *Oraclize* or others oracles) With *Oraclize* we are storing the IPFS key to the proof of the transactions. See `this `__ for an explanation how and what kind of proofs are provided by Oraclize. You can independently check the honesty of the service by using `this web-based client-side tool `__. Scoring process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scoring can only be done with verified accounts. Each of these accounts have different ways of retrieving user data (such as number of posts, number of followers, etc) and different ways of creating a score from that. Example use case: BTC-ETH smart escrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As an example we have included an escrow contract for selling Bitcoins for Ethers. The reputation score of the seller is used to determine how many confirmations are needed at a minimum after receiving the Bitcoins and before releasing the Ethers. Let's see how simple it is to interface with Iudex. The interface used by the escrow: .. code:: js function getMinConfirmationsByAddr(address _ethAddr) internal returns (uint) { uint score = getIudexScoreAll(IudexLookupAddr, _ethAddr); return 10 - ((score - 1)/100000); } Full code is available `here `__. Architecture ------------ The core of the architecture consists of: - Central storage (CS) - Verification providers (VP) - Score providers (SP) Both *VP* and *SP* are using *CS* to store the results of their operation. Each of the *VP* and *SP* are selected based on voting (to be implemented). There are also helpers to manage the address lookups and the voting process. Important to note, that the *CS* is not keeping a history at all, it only stores the latest data. The Ethereum blockchain itself can be used to retrieve the history of changes (e.g. storage changes in the *CS* contract). Data stored ----------- - Unique identifiers (this is a 256bit identifier created upon registering) - One or more Ethereum addresses - For each of the verified accounts: - Username - Proof of verification (IPFS key for downloaded web data, see *Oraclize*) - Whether verification was successful or not - The current reputation score - Various length of unverified extra data (can hold either ``bytes`` or ``uint``, addressed by a ``bytes32`` key) API --- Lookup ~~~~~~ The lookup contract stores the address of Storage as well the addresses of the verification and scoring algorithms. The public methods are: - ``addrStorage()`` - retrieve the address of Storage - ``setStorage(address)`` - set a new address for Storage - ``accountProviders(type)`` - retrieve the address for a provider - ``setAccountProviders(type, address)`` - set a new address for a provider The types include: - 1 for Twitter - 2 for Facebook - 3 for Github Storage ~~~~~~~ The storage contract stores all the relevant information about a given user. At the moment it also handles the linking of Ethereum addresses and other accounts. The public methods are: - ``register()`` - register a new account linked to the sender's Ethereum address - ``addressToPersonId(address addr)`` - retrieve a user identifier with an address - ``addressPresent(address addr)`` - quick check to see if an Ethereum adress is linked - ``linkAddress(address addr)`` - associate a new Ethereum address - ``unlinkAddress(address addr)`` - remove a currently associated Ethereum address - ``linkAccount(uint8 accountProvider, string userId, string proofLocation)`` - initiate the setup of a new linked account - ``getScore(uint8 accountProvider, bytes32 id)`` - get a score for a given user and account type - ``refreshScore(uint8 accountProvider, bytes32 id)`` - ask for a new score to be calculated for a given user and account type The private methods are: - ``updateAccount(uint8 accountProvider, bytes32 id, bool result, bytes32 ipfsProof)`` - used by account providers to update Storage with the result of the verification - ``updateScore(uint8 accountProvider, bytes32 id, uint24 score)`` - used by score providers to update Storage with a new score Linking new account providers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Implementing a new provider couldn't be much simpler. First allocate a new ``accountProvider`` type by adding it to both ``lookup`` and ``accountProviderBase``. Then just create a new provider class with ``accountProviderBase`` as the parent. Only two methods need to be supported: - ``verify(bytes32 id, string userId, string proofLocation)`` - ``score(bytes32 id, string userId)`` If you need to use an oracle to validate the account, check out the twitter implementation for an example on how to use *Oraclize*. Integration as a contract ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a contract author you are encouraged to use our integration piece called ``iudexAPI``. This lists all the publicly available methods as well as gives you a few handy methods to retrieve a reputation score: - ``getIudexScoreAll(address lookupAddr, bytes32 userId)`` - to get a score for a user id - ``getIudexScoreAll(address lookupAddr, address addr)`` - to get a score based on an Ethereum address Authors ------- Iudex was entirely created during the `hack.ether.camp `__ online hackathon by: - Alex Beregszaszi `twitter `__ `github `__ - Thomas Bertani `twitter `__ `github `__ The live IDE is/was available at `iudex.on.ether.camp `__.